Cancellation policy of Wellness Hotel Diamant *****



  • If you cancel the reservation more than 48 hours before arrival, cancellation of your reservation is free of charge.
  • If you cancel the reservation during the 48 hour-period before arrival or later you will be charged a cancellation fee of the first night.
  • In case you do not arrive at all " NO SHOW", you will be charged the total accommodation cost
    For this reason, the hotel reserves the right to ask you to send a credit card including its period of validity or payment in advance.


CANCELLATION POLICY for "Book at least 21 days in advance and SAVE UP TO ... %" and "Pay Now and SAVE up to ... %":

  • Total price of booked rooms will be charged by the hotel on the day of booking and is non-refundable. Changes and cancellations are not allowed. 
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